We can help schools if vaping is a problem

Halo Smart Sensor vape detectionHalo Smart Sensor vape detection

Teachers and school managers have been telling us at recent events that we have attended about the growing problem of vaping by their pupils. This is a health risk to themselves and those around them as well as raising issues about how the e-cigarettes were obtained. It is illegal to sell vaping products to anyone under 18 or to buy them for anyone under 18.

A smart but discreet vape detector

Responding to the vaping problem requires sensitivity and as this activity takes place in areas like school toilets where children are attempting to avoid detection but where it is not appropriate to have surveillance cameras.

We can offer school staff a real-time vape detector and security device which means they are immediately made aware of the vaping as it happens. This means the school can take action to stop the vaping as it happens and allows them to understand the extent of the problem so they can talk to students and parents and work on ways to prevent vaping in the future.

The HALO Smart Sensor can be installed discreetly in private areas such as changing rooms and toilets where students may feel able to vape. Additionally, when we install the HALO sensor, we can connect the device to HALO Cloud. This will provide an online dashboard where you can manage multiple devices, see alerts and historical data.

School staff managing the system can choose how you would like to receive notifications. This could, for example, be via text message, email or via an action message within the dashboard.

Health and Safety Detector

The HALO smart sensor is in fact a three-in-one monitoring device that can also detect aggression and calls for help as well as high levels of dangerous gases which means it can be used to protect pupils and monitor air quality.

In schools where bullying or fighting could be a problem it will pick up calls for help based on five spoken keyword phrases and can learn to detect abnormal noise levels. The HALO can detect a range of factors such as CO₂ which could mean a high level of airborne diseases. You can prevent the spread of infectious disease by taking extra steps when cleaning rooms and making certain the air is properly filtered.

Additionally, if fitted in science labs the HALO sensor can ensure that any gas or chemical spills or leaks can be picked up.

Tried and tested in the US

We are excited to be among the first installers of the HALO smart sensor within the UK. The product is manufactured in the US where schools have already installed HALO sensors. One American school manager said: ““Our HALO investment has paid off well for us by giving our school the ability to identify the students who participate in vaping and may need drug counselling, so we can get them the help that they need to overcome it.”

If you believe that the HALO smart sensor could help you we can visit you and offer a demonstration of the product showing the benefits it can bring. Contact us to find out more.